I now have the blessing of offering my hard won awareness to my clients. I help them see what keeps them stuck, their relationships from thriving and their belief in themselves chaining them to their past. My client gift me with their hearts and struggles and become the resilient, amazing people they choose to be. I have found my life’s work through finding me.
Carpe Diem my friend, you are the hero and change maker of your story - choose the life you want to live. I am here for you.
Hi, I am Nola Zusi Gephart and I am so happy you are here
I have worn many hats in my life, daughter, sister, friend, employee, business owner, wife, homeowner and the list could go on….but the hat I wore until it was faded and fit like a glove was mother. It is the role I stepped into with my entire heart and soul at the cost of other hats that I didn’t wear as well.
What I have received from all that I poured in; 4 amazing children who were my life’s work. What I lost, was myself and I regret not one moment of it. Why? Because at almost 50 years I began the painful process of rediscovering who I was, what I had lovingly given away and what was important to me beyond my family.
I won’t tell you this was a smooth or fun journey. I won’t paint a picture that I easily uncovered my worth, my value or myself outside of motherhood. I will tell you that I had incredibly, horribly painful moments and relationships that needed tending or severing. I will tell you, that it was worth every tear, desperate moment I spent crawling back to me. I learned some invaluable lessons about relationships, boundaries, unconditional love and family. Oh the tales these walls could tell.
This picture depicts how I felt when I realized how little of myself I could find. Others saw me as an independent, determined and courageous person, but inside, that person was so far gone, so untouchable from where I had arrived.
There is never a too late. Nothing is impossible if you are willing to be raw and vulnerable with yourself. That is where Life Coaching rattled me to my core. I permitted the realizations to wash over me, accept every bit of me and what I had allowed in my life. I stepped out of the place of victimhood and into a version of myself I never dreamed possible.